Your printable calendar comes with some important dates already included, such as public holidays and school holiday dates. With a little bit of extra time your calendar can help organise your day to day life.
The most important step is to position your calendar in a place that is unavoidable. The fridge is a perfect spot, inside a cupboard door is another great spot. If you’re using your calendar at work then stick it on the wall right in front of your computer.
Below are some additional items you can write onto your calendar to help make your busy life run as smoothly as possible:
- Add your annual bill renewals to the relevant dates – Home insurance, car insurances and similar have a way of sneaking up on us.
- Add any monthly payments – Car loans, credit card payments or other payment plans. All of these have due dates and there’s no point pretending they aren’t going to happen. Adding them to your calendar makes them real and can help you avoid spending money you don’t have!
- Important events – birthdays, anniversaries. Sure facebook reminds us of birthday dates but not in advance. By the time we get a notification it’s too late to buy a present for someone.
- Upcoming appointments – As soon as you make an appointment write it on your calendar. This lets everyone in the household know you’re busy on that day and helps you avoid forgetting your appointment.
- School related events – If you have kids at school then upcoming sports days, school fetes, or drama performances are all important dates you can’t afford to forget about.
- Annual leave / holidays – Of course you won’t forget you have a holiday booked to Fiji, but you may forget the dates and double book yourself. Make sure you enter all of your holiday dates into your calendar.
By spending a bit of time writing the above items on your calendar you can reduce your overall stress levels by staying on top of your life and your finances.